Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Worldview History - Theology - Implications

Question: Discuss about the Worldview History, Theology, Implications. Answer: Introduction: My understanding of the worldview is shaped by belief, perception and reality. I admit that people dont view the world the same. People have different justification of their inner believes of the actions or perceptions that they have. My belief defines what is ultimately right or wrong. My belief shapes my conscious and judges my actions and thoughts. Perception to issues is shaped by my past understanding and may differ from that of others. I see what I know. My perception is controlled by the information that I have and can be improved by getting more informed. My worldview is also shaped by the reality of things outside. This is what has been practically done and can be seen or touched hence undisputable. Therefore the actions of reality are bound to remain. I can therefore say that my worldview is similar to that of Sires Christian worldview that peoples thoughts and actions are shaped by their beliefs and perceptions as a result of what is held in their heart and soul. References Dr. David K., Naugle. "Worldview: History, Theology, Implications". Leaderu.Com. Last modified 2017. Accessed March 13, 2017. Kroner, Richard. Kant's Weltanschauung. 1st ed. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms Internat, 1980. Sire, James W. Naming The Elephant: Worldview As A Concept. 1st ed. InterVarsity Press, 2004.

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