Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The differences between Whitmans pre-war and post-war Poetry Thesis

Discuss the differences between Whitmans pre-war and post-war Poetry In post war poems, Walt Whitman’s poetic language changed because he chose use free verse as to reflect the freedoms America hold dear. Whitmans national sense cannot be ignored, when he tackles President Lincolns assassination in the poem When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd.† Again the preceding voices from the pioneers of American revolutions are literarily expressed skillfully in the words of art Beat! Beat! Drums! To drive home the key element of Revolutions, which were freedom and democracy, the two poems captured Whitman’s sense of patriotism. Whitman has been described as having been more than a war poet, despite his immense soaring spirits for his fellow citizens. (McCrone A, 2001) As Whitman learns the effects of war in Come Up from the Fields Father, one notices such changes in Whitman in the poems. Revolutionists began to wear red in their hands with the blood of the fellow citizens. The tone of the poem depicts that magnitude of brutality of the war being one that the America had never experienced, as well as the most personal. In the poem Dalliance of the Eagles,† Whitman skillfully in his post war poems depict a thread of humanity binding to everyone. Although his writing is to account for the life, which surrounds revolutionists, keen study of his postwar literary work snaps visual images into verse, including all senses and sensualities surrounding both Body and Soul. He transforms the moral sense of the new America, which continually changes, neither for better nor worse, but as to define its inhabitants in his time, as perceived by his audient. His colorful illumination of sex in â€Å"Dalliance of the Eagles,† provokes much more scrutiny into his work. He symbolically used this approach to depict a â€Å"sexual† tussle between American symbols of freedom. He explored to his audient as many facets of human life during the times of American Revolution. Many scholars have and misinterpreted Whitman, by claiming he was gay. One poem (We Two Boys Together Clinging does not constitute sexuality but Rather describes male bonding, and clinging is a more ambiguous sense than actual physical love. (Hirsch J, 2003 p 3-4) In the poem When I Read the Book,† Whitman endeared both men and women, not only with a sense of procreation in mind, but also as well as the pedestal he put mothers. The poet also noted that learning could not be contained to a classroom, as shown in When I Heard the Learnd Astronomer. He while praises himself as a prophet while at the same time writing to future poets and their generations with those of the past. He challenges one to learn all one could in life, through experiences. While describing death, Whitman calls American to love them selves. In â€Å"Leaves of Grass,† he humanly comes to terms with such truths as death and appreciates it as part of an ongoing cycle. He describes death as â€Å"undeniable and absolutely unavoidable.† (McCrone A, 2001). In this poem, Whitman endeared to legitimize power of the crowed. (David Haven Blake 2006 p 6) Describing rotting corpses as being feed for the earth, bugs, and decay, he says one can nearly smell along with him, as one might mulch a carpet of grass. He says each blade of grass is individual, each of us sensing our own realities in our own ways, sometimes exposing to ourselves, leaving us open to harsh elements. Sometimes, in fact, we are mowed. Whitmans last image is becoming the mulch under our feet. In the poem I Hear America Singing Walt Whitmans carefully selects the words for his titles with literary terms of writing which include rhythm, synecdoche, metaphor, repetition, and imagery. In this poem, there is no rhyme scheme. Although essentially the poem lacks clear metrical and rhythmical pattern, he does use repetition, however, to create rhythm. In â€Å"Songs to Myself,† while referring to his previous work of â€Å"Leave of Grass† and how some scholars and other poets had failed to get his message, Whitman employs comic effect to mock this group of readers. The lines: ‘A child said to me, what is the grass? Fetching it to me with full hands to me- How could answer the child?’ not only contain the comic but the difficulty in making his readers understand his poem or songs together with his astute style. (David Haven Blake 2006 p 11) While trying to respond to this challenge he uses imagery immensely in by painting a picture of a moth to create a set of external associations meant to inform the public’s perception of him and hi previous works. He writes: â€Å"I have one big and handsome moth down here, know and comes here, likes me to hold him up on my extended finger.† (WPP, 829). Here, his self-praise makes him became the image and his personality performed on the public stage. Yet in a similar way, he uses a butterfly image as a style to pass across another message. He writes: â€Å"Over all flutter myriads of light-yellow butterflies, mostly skimm ing along the surface, dipping and oscillating, giving a curious animation to the scene. The beautiful, spiritual insects!† to make this achievement. Again, in writing â€Å"The Song of Myself† he uses the image of a butterfly again symbolizing the occupant and the expression of virtual America. Some peculiarities can easily be singled out in Whitmans use of rhythm and verses. His use of rhythms is notable because if scanned continuously and repetitively, it will look like a prose sentence, or an advancing wave of prose rhythm. His work however is created in lines, not in complete sentences as prose normally would be. To Whitman, the line is the unit of communication. Whitmans keenness for stylistic movement techniques shows the distinctive quality of his use of meter. While at few instances, he uses an iamb, which is a metrical foot of two syllables, at many instances he has used trochaic, which is accented (Ekaterinburg, 2009) Whitmans imaginative power is seen in his use of imagery. The depth of his sensory awareness and his ability to confine the truth immediately is a big attainment by these styles. Whitman has artistically drawn and painted impressions using words, which give the picture of the present. He brings the future as though it was too immediate and give full live to the past with ‘real’ images. At conscious level, his imagery has some rational and consistent order though centered on subconscious, full of memories with a series of images. The images seem to be forming fragments of a world whiles at the same building the structure of the poem. (Ekaterinburg, 2009)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Field Of Social Psychology - 1104 Words

Introduction When we first meet a stranger, skin pigment, and wardrobe are two significant traits, which we used to formulate a first impression. How wardrobe style and ethnicity is used in establishing impressions and creating attributions and societal class has excessive implication for understanding and stimulating prejudice and discrimination. â€Å" The field of social psychology has a vast literature related to person perception, attribution, categorization, and impression formation† (Davis Lennon, 1988;Gilovich, Keltner, Nisbett, 2011). In this experiment based on a person perception we’ll examining the combination of wardrobe fashion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. In the Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied titled Categorization in first Impressions Lennon and Davis stated, â€Å"Research on clothing related to social perception, categorization, impression formation and attribution theory can be interpreted from a social cognitive perceptiveâ€Å"( 438). Throughout the past have stood voluminous attention-grabbing reports cogitating the effect of clothing on the adjudications of strangers. Johnson, Francis, and Burns in 2007 explain when the importance of clothing and appearance emphasis variables in revealing â€Å" a person personality† (232) and also stated that â€Å" People purposely select different types of clothing to wear in different types of social context† (232). In the study the prediction for the result will be that the Caucasian model would beShow MoreRelatedThe Field Of Social Psychology1378 Words   |  6 PagesIn the field of Social Psychology, numerous studies have been made about different types of behavior and what causes humans to act a certain way. There are also different specific types of behavior that have been studied, such as aggression. One important study made about signs and effects of aggression would be Stanford University’s Dr. Philip Zimbardo’s study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison. 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Worldview History - Theology - Implications

Question: Discuss about the Worldview History, Theology, Implications. Answer: Introduction: My understanding of the worldview is shaped by belief, perception and reality. I admit that people dont view the world the same. People have different justification of their inner believes of the actions or perceptions that they have. My belief defines what is ultimately right or wrong. My belief shapes my conscious and judges my actions and thoughts. Perception to issues is shaped by my past understanding and may differ from that of others. I see what I know. My perception is controlled by the information that I have and can be improved by getting more informed. My worldview is also shaped by the reality of things outside. This is what has been practically done and can be seen or touched hence undisputable. Therefore the actions of reality are bound to remain. I can therefore say that my worldview is similar to that of Sires Christian worldview that peoples thoughts and actions are shaped by their beliefs and perceptions as a result of what is held in their heart and soul. References Dr. David K., Naugle. "Worldview: History, Theology, Implications". Leaderu.Com. Last modified 2017. Accessed March 13, 2017. https://www.leaderu.com/philosophy/worldviewhistory.html. Kroner, Richard. Kant's Weltanschauung. 1st ed. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms Internat, 1980. Sire, James W. Naming The Elephant: Worldview As A Concept. 1st ed. InterVarsity Press, 2004.